Autumn Fantasy

Acer x freemanii
Zone: 4


Height: 16 m
Spread: 13 m
Foliage: Green
Fall: Red


A broadly oval tree with green foliage that turns to bright red in the fall. Excellent long-lasting Fall colour. Has the drought tolerance of the Silver Maple and the fall colour of Acer rubrum.

Autumn Blaze

Acer x freemanii ‘Jeffersred’
Zone: 3


Height: 16 m
Spread: 13 m
Shape: Upright, broadly oval
Foliage: Medium green
Fall: Brilliant orange-red


A cross between a Red and Silver Maple. A fast grower with a distinct upright habit and drought tolerant. Excellent fall leaf colour.


Acer platanoides
Zone: 4


Height: 15 m
Spread: 14 m
Flower: Greenish-yellowFruit: winged
Foliage: Dark green
Fall: Yellow


Handsome rounded head with large leaves make it very popular for lawn and street planting. It is easy to transplant and will tolerate a polluted atmosphere, especially those containing ozone and sulfur dioxide. It is very drought tolerant.


Acer saccharinum
Zone: 3


Height: 18 m
Spread: 15 m
Flower: Red Fruit: Winged
Foliage: Green above, silvery beneath
Fall: Yellow
Shape: Oval to vase-shaped with age


Fast growing and very hardy tree that tolerates tough conditions where others might fail. Fast growing. Needs plenty of space to develop. Graceful habit, with silver grey underside to leaves and grey bark. Does well in a wide variety of soils.


Acer saccharum
Zone: 3


Height: 20 m Spread: 15 m
Flower: Greenish-yellow
Fruit: Winged
Foliage: Green
Fall: Yellow to orange-red


An excellent and sturdy native tree, slow growing, recommended for spacious areas. Well-known for the maple syrup and its lumber. Beautiful in the Fall with its various shades of yellow, orange and red. Long lived with a growth habit that is generally rounded or oval in form.


Acer platanoides ‘Columnare’
Zone: 5


Height: 12 m
Spread: 4 m
Flower: Yellowish-green
Fruit: Winged
Foliage: Dark green
Fall: Yellow


This compact upright form is excellent for small lots. It has heavy dark green foliage, and branches are almost vertical. Generally free of pests, disease and wind damage.


Acer platanoides ‘Deborah’
Zone: 3


Height: 14m
Spread: 12 m
Flower: Yellow Fruit: Winged
Foliage: Reddish-bronze to bronze-green
Fall: Bronze


A vigorous grower forming shapely, upright head with straight central leader and good branching habit. New unfolding foliage is brilliant red turning to a vivid dark green as it matures. The leaf has a somewhat ruffled margin and is leathery in texture. Broadly oval to rounded

Royal Red

Acer platanoides ‘Royal Red’
Zone: 4


Height: 12 m
Spread: 10 m
Flower: Yellow
Fruit: Winged
Foliage: Deep purple
Fall: Maroon to reddish-bronze


Glossy foliage retains colour throughout the growing season. Similar to ‘Crimson King’ but faster growing. Excellent oval to rounded shade tree.

Native Red

Acer rubrum
Zone: 3


Height: 16 m
Spread: 15 m
Flower: Red
Fruit: Winged
Foliage: Green
Fall: Yellowish-orange to bright red


A native hard maple, producing red flowers before leaves appear. Rapid growing tree that can adapt to a wide range of soil conditions. While young, it is pyramidal in form, becoming rounded as it matures. Fall colour varies from yellow to scarlet.


Acer rubrum ‘Bowhall’
Zone: 4


Height: 13 m
Spread: 5 m
Foliage: Medium green, glossy
Fall: Bright reddish-orange


Forms a nearly perfect upright, very narrow pyramidal head. Suitable for boulevard planting and confined areas.

Burgundy Belle Red

Acer rubrum ‘Burgundy Belle’
Zone: 3


Height: 11 m
Spread: 8 m
Foliage: Medium to dark green
Fall: Burgundy


A drought resistant oval-shaped red maple known for its intense Fall colour that changes from burgundy to scarlet.


Acer platanoides ‘Drummondii’
Zone: 4


Height: 11 m Spread: 8 m
Shape: Broadly, oval
Foliage: Variegated light green with white-yellow margins
Fall: Yellowish


The variegated foliage provides an unusual contrast for landscaping purposes. Head is moderately ovate. A slow grower.

Princeton Gold

Acer platanoides ‘Princeton Gold’
Zone: 4


Height: 11 m
Spread: 10 m
Foliage: Bright yellow
Fall: Yellow


A selection of Norway maple with bright golden-yellow foliage that maintains its colour from a young age to maturity. Good accent tree for landscaping purposes.


Acer ginnala ‘Flame’
Zone: 2


Height: 7 m
Spread: 7 m
Shape: Rounded
Foliage: Medium green
Fall: Brilliant orange-red to deep red


An oval to rounded tree that is extremely hardy and tolerant of urban conditions. Well known for its spectacular Fall colour. Fragrant white flowers in summer followed by red, winged fruit.. Useful as a single specimen, clump or as a hedge.


Acer campestre ‘Nanum’
Zone: 5


Height: 3 m
Spread: 4 m
Shape: Dense, round
Foliage: Green
Fall: Yellow


A very dense tree that grows wider than its height. Excellent for residential planting or any site where space is a premium.

Armstrong Red

Acer rubrum ‘Armstrong’
Zone: 4


Height: 15 m
Spread: 8 m
Shape: Upright, columnar
Foliage: Green
Fall: Yellow to orange


A rapid grower with light grey bark and a narrow, upright growth.

Morgan Red

Acer rubrum ‘Morgan’
Zone: 4


Height: 15 m
Spread: 13 m
Shape: Broadly oval
Foliage: Medium green
Fall: Brilliant red


A vigorous cultivar with a brilliant red Fall colour.

Red Sunset

Acer rubrum ‘Red Sunset’
Zone: 4


Height: 18 m
Spread: 12m
Shape: Upright, dense
Foliage: Dark green
Fall: Red and orange


Vigorous tree with upright dense growth habit. Strong symmetrical branching.

Sienna Glen

Acer x freemani ‘Sienna Glen’
Zone: 3


Height: 15 m
Spread:12 m
Shape: Upright, broad oval
Foliage: Medium dark green
Fall: Orange, red and burgundy


A broad pyramidal form with a very uniform branching habit. Small for a Maple with arrowhead shaped leaves. Medium dark green leaves in summer turn a mosaic of rich colours in Fall.

Redpointe Red

Acer rubrum ‘Redpointe’
Zone: 4


Height: 14 m
Spread: 9 m
Shape: Broadly pyramidal
Foliage: Dark green
Fall: Bright red


A fast growing tree that is easily maintained. Brilliant fall colour appears early and is reliably red.

Greenspire Black

Acer nigrum
Zone: 4


Height: 15 m
Spread; 7 m
Shape: Upright, oval
Foliage: Light green
Fall: Yellow to orange


Outstanding tree for maple syrup.